Billboard Mirror
.maul the grappling hammer yes
.net clumping ,spay yr
eyes now .the foggy lau
ghter ,an yr “issue” )tap
e befour the shingled clou
d d d .mile sky ,f
loating ! ͭ screw
the head c law ! )where th
e link pond ers wh ere
t he ‘s blind )the life t
he life you’s spent an l
eft ,in ches squirming
)bags of trash inhaled(
...esencia cagada (, (, (,
...on the berm.
demento mori sure shoe
head ,walk across the
stone .yr ,uh ,“neck”
cloud yr porcine por
tion leaking in yr po
cket “like a watch”
)the hashed laundry in
your luggage steams
,clumps ,bli nd s
...( )it’s the crawling
phaze ,labertino ...sil
vestre ...riachuelo de
,,,san ,,,san ,,,gre ,,,gre :a
head the trees toward
sky’s burned ...o pen ...
...en llamas la pradera...
-Luis de Góngora
Your lunar finger s
tops .bus coughing ,the
long change GROWS
oil away... .pills ,d
arks ,meats .yr
shirring rakes a
cross yr knee a
“phone” tu foco es
trellado yr .th
umb sunk .)))my
blood cup ,,, ,, , ,
...ouvre la main sans doigts.
- Comte de Lautréamont
Mirror Crickets
m y we nt ha lf tur
ned ,loo ked fou
nd the sta yed the
cor ner ed st
icky düst..... )the
air sin Tlaloc’s de
ad...( that sh
ade snap ping an rol
ling do wn the st
eps ~~~~~ ¿I¿ the
go ne ?I? the he
re the cri cricrick
ets shicrimmering
on the wall
Mirror of the Páramo
rake the phone hair the
nodding lake yr facial
cowl streaming back
the lip you ,lathered ,do
wn or upside ,the bra
wling moon atop the st
ones you kept inside
.fog and lint ,your jack
et open to the bull its
head current just p
ast’s you and chang es
.“left my drink your po
cket” )where the shad
owed coin’s sinking
toward your hole l
...lo perdido, güey...
- Juan Rulfo
Week Mirror
iowa death slaw mu
cous scrawls my
negck o stigcky col
lar ~ ~ ~ smeared wind
ow ~ ~ ~ eh horizon
tal snow =:=:=: : : : sm
udge of )trees?( across
the fields )soap and
diarrhea( )books an
greasy dust behind the
barcalounge ,soup-
soaked ,cloudy ,til
ting on the doghaired
rug )closed mine eyen(
)“heaved and breathed”(((((((((((((((((((